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GROHE Truck Tour in Italy #2

GIVE Project: a Truck tour in Italy to train future plumbers

The GROHE GIVE (Grohe Initiative for Vocational Education) Truck Tour, in collaboration with Salesiani Don Bosco professional institutes, toured north Italy in May. GIVE is a unique project which combines GROHE expertise and know-how with the excellent professional educational offer of the institutes involved.

The main objective of GIVE program is to prepare young students for the challenges of their careers, by offering cutting-edge practical and theoretical training as well concrete opportunities for professional growth in the plumbing industry.

From Sesto San Giovanni to San Donà di Piave, through Vigliano Biellese and Este, over 300 students had the opportunity to participate in training sessions both in classroom and on the GIVE Truck, where they were experienced a practical challenge with product installation with final test and prizes. Designed for hands-on training with GROHE products, the truck is the perfect tool to engage aspiring future plumbers in an exciting brand experience.

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