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Wow Of The Week

Sabrina Kruse — Modern Kitchen Design

For generations, the kitchen has been the heart of the home, a bustling hub of activity where families gather to cook, eat, and socialise. In recent years, however, the importance of the kitchen's design has taken on a new level of significance, as it has become a multifunctional space that serves as much more than just a place for preparing meals and beverages. With the rise of remote work and virtual learning, the kitchen has become a home office and a classroom, as well as a place for family and friends to gather and connect. Today's new kitchens must be designed not only for optimal functionality and convenience, but also for versatility and adaptability, ensuring that they can meet the ever-evolving needs of modern families.  


One living space 

As new kitchen design takes centre stage in modern homes, it has become a seamless extension of the living room, merging two of the most important spaces in the house. This has created a need for future kitchens that are not only functional, but also flexible and efficient, allowing for easy transitions between cooking, dining, and lounging. With the boundaries between cooking and socialising becoming increasingly blurred, today's kitchens must be designed to accommodate a variety of activities, from casual family meals to formal dinner parties. Convenience is key, with smart storage solutions and ergonomic layouts that make cooking a breeze. In short, modern kitchens must offer the perfect balance of style and functionality, creating a space that is both practical and inviting for all who gather there. 


Future Kitchen trends 

At GROHE, we understand that the future is shaped by the choices we make today. That's why we are constantly analysing emerging trends such as sustainability, urbanisation, and smart living, and using this knowledge to develop innovative products that anticipate the needs of tomorrow. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in every product we create, from water-saving technologies to eco-friendly materials. Our products seamlessly integrate into your daily life, making it easier and more convenient than ever to live sustainably without sacrificing style or performance. Take the GROHE Red, for example, which delivers hot water directly from the tap, saving both time and energy. Our special range of premium performance GROHE Filters not only handle problematic water sources, but also enhance water quality and taste, ensuring that every sip is pure and refreshing. With GROHE, you can be confident that your future kitchen is best suited to your needs. Explore which Kitchen is right for you in our kitchen buying guide

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